Welcome to the Lan Burgess Real Estate Team, led by highly experienced Broker Lan Burgess. Fluent in both Chinese and English, Lan holds an MBA from the prestigious Rotman School of Management and an MSc from the University of Oxford. She brings a critical and analytical approach to problem-solving and is dedicated to delivering exceptional customer service to every client. With a wealth of experience in the real estate industry, Lan has built a reputation for her attention to detail and her commitment to ensuring that her clients achieve their real estate goals. She is passionate about helping buyers and sellers navigate the real estate market with confidence and ease, and she is committed to providing her clients with the highest level of professionalism and expertise .
Whether you're buying, selling, or investing in real estate, we're here to help. Contact us today to learn more about how the Lan Burgess Real Estate Team can assist you in achieving your real estate goals.
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